Function Index

Index of functions in np/npRmpi and crs

Below you can find an index of functions and datasets contained in the np/npRmpi and crs packages. Further information and working examples can be found by loading the packages and requesting help for a given function by entering `?foo' at the R/RStudio console, where foo is a function name from the list below (without the single quotes `'). Or in RStudio you can get help by clicking on the package name from the `Packages' tab in the lower right pane (default) which will pull up the list of functions contained in the package - clicking on the function will display help. Note that at the bottom of each function description is a set of working examples that you can run, modify etc.

Here is an index of functions contained in the crs package along with a brief description:

  1. crs: Categorical Regression Splines

  2. crsiv: Nonparametric Instrumental Regression

  3. crsivderiv: Nonparametric Instrumental Derivatives

  4. crssigtest: Regression Spline Significance Test with Mixed Data Types

  5. GSL (GNU Scientific Library) B-spline/B-spline Derivatives

  6. npglpreg: Generalized Local Polynomial Regression

  7. snomadr: R interface to NOMAD

Here is an index of functions contained in the np/npRmpi packages along with a brief description:

  1. npcdens: Kernel Conditional Density and Distribution Estimates with Mixed Data Types

  2. npcdensbw: Kernel Conditional Density Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types

  3. npcdist: Kernel Conditional Density and Distribution Estimates with Mixed Data Types

  4. npcmstest: Kernel Consistent Model Specification Test with Mixed Data Types

  5. npconmode: Kernel Modal Regression with Mixed Data Types

  6. npcopula: Kernel Copula Estimation with Mixed Data Types

  7. npdeneqtest: Kernel Consistent Density Equality Test with Mixed Data Types

  8. npdeptest: Kernel Consistent Pairwise Nonlinear Dependence Test for Univariate Processes

  9. npindex: Semiparametric Single Index Model

  10. npindexbw: Semiparametric Single Index Model Parameter and Bandwidth Selection

  11. npksum: Kernel Sums with Mixed Data Types

  12. npplot: General Purpose Plotting of Nonparametric Objects

  13. npplreg: Partially Linear Kernel Regression with Mixed Data Types

  14. npplregbw: Partially Linear Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types

  15. npqcmstest: Kernel Consistent Quantile Regression Model Specification Test with Mixed Data Types

  16. npqreg: Kernel Quantile Regression with Mixed Data Types

  17. npreg: Kernel Regression with Mixed Data Types

  18. npregbw: Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types 

  19. npregiv: Nonparametric Instrumental Regression

  20. npregivderiv: Nonparametric Instrumental Derivatives

  21. npscoef: Smooth Coefficient Kernel Regression

  22. npscoefbw: Smooth Coefficient Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection

  23. npsdeptest: Kernel Consistent Serial Dependence Test for Univariate Nonlinear Processes

  24. npsigtest: Kernel Regression Significance Test with Mixed Data Types

  25. npsymtest: Kernel Consistent Density Asymmetry Test with Mixed Data Types

  26. npudens: Kernel Density and Distribution Estimation with Mixed Data Types

  27. npudensbw: Kernel Density Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types

  28. npudist: Kernel Density and Distribution Estimation with Mixed Data Types

  29. npunitest: Kernel Consistent Univariate Density Equality Test with Mixed Data Types

The packages include the following datasets between them:

  1. cps71: Canadian High School Graduate Earnings

  2. Engel95: 1995 British Family Expenditure Survey

  3. wage1: Cross-Sectional Data on Wages

  4. Italy: Italian GDP Panel

  5. oecdpanel: Cross Country Growth Panel